Tuesday, October 25, 2011

An evening walk along Haihe in Tianjin

Here some pictures of an evening walk along Haihe  river in Tianjin.

A beautiful building by the river:

 The Jiefang bridge :

Tianjin world financial center, the unknown beautiful building and Dagu Bridge:

I really thought this was on Opera House, but can`t find it in Google right now, so an other unknown building:

 The Dagu bridge and some buildings:

A view from Dagu bridge towards Jiefang bridge:

Tianjin World Financial Center:  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Chinese "black" eggs

As long as I know, there are two kinds of "black" eggs in China. One of them is boiled in tea, the other one stayed for a long time in some mixture.
Here you can find more info about the second kind.
I will talk about both kinds later, now, I will just show you a picture of the second kind:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Beijing aquarium

 The Beijing aquarium is one of the places, I will not talk about and let the video tell the story. It is next to the Beijing zoo, very easy to find in Beijing. The largest inland aquarium in the world. Enjoy!
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A strange fish with funny "haircut" :

 The largest tank of the aquarium.

 A different strange fish:

 Another one:

 And another one:

 The biggest tank again. Pay attention to the human. Visitors, especially under the age of 12, find him rather amusing

 And the biggest tank with the human again, just a few seconds later:

 Part of the performance of the dolphins. You can hear them sing around the end:

 And a part of the performance of the sea lion: